Saturday, May 7, 2016


  An entrepreneur cannot find their victory without a vision. A company cannot be established without a clear vision and mission. The entrepreneurs with a vision not only make plans for the short term, but also for the long term to make sure they can remain their products in the market. It is proven that every leader should have visionary leadership. Without a vision for a team, there is no possibility of setting a cohesive goal that everyone can work toward. Loving for that vision, recognizing what the vision should be, interpreting daily tasks and requirements are the things that every entrepreneur should have. This can be achieved through innovation, better efficiencies, and support for team members on a consistent basis.

     The entrepreneur that has this traits is Steve Jobs. Jobs once said that difference between a leader and a follower was innovation, which illustrated this with the development of the original iPhone. As he was using the product to test it out, he realized that the screen on the original phone test models did not strong enough. The screen was made from a plastic resin and it tended to scratch easily. Jobs looked around for a suitable replacement. But then, he remembered about a tough glass product called Gorilla Glass. The only problem was that the company, Corning, was not making the product any more. Jobs called up Corning to get an order placed for the iPhone improvements. Initially he was told that it was not possible. Jobs knew that Corning could convert one of their manufacturing facilities to make the glass again within 6 months and so that’s what he told them to do. He wouldn’t take “no” for an answer and sure enough, 6 months later the iPhone had a glass front. Now many other smartphones use this glass as well and everyone has found more business success. 

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