Saturday, May 7, 2016


     The entrepreneurs must have challenge themselves to face the risks as well as time is moving fast. Every of them have to know the rule for risk which is the higher the risk they are facing, the higher the returns they get back. However today they must calculate and take into account the risks that may be encountered in preventing loss in the future. Not only that, they are making decision and choosing whether it is good or bad. Every step must be counted and look forward all the probabilities before and also after taking the risks. It is not easy to be a successful entrepreneur without taking any risks.

     We can take Bill Gates as an example of a billionaire who took a great amount of risks while founding Microsoft. Bill Gates had to drop out of college in order to help create Microsoft. He took a huge risk, starting his business based on his vision that the personal computer would be a useful tool in every office and home. He even went up against Steve Jobs and was not threatened to copy or borrow ideas from other great innovators and tech companies. In the end, this paid off when his company became a tech giant worth billions of dollars.

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