Saturday, May 7, 2016


     Failure is an option, everyone that have experience face with failure in whatever situation will make us get more knowledge in our failure experience. Successful entrepreneur that experience this trait in their business is Ma Yun or his English name is Jack ma. He was born on 15 0ctober 1964 in Hangzhou. Ma is a successful entrepreneur,founder of E-commerce giant Alibaba Holdings and a revolutionary. He partnered with 18 people to establish a business to business (B2B) site named Alibaba that links Chinese exporters with overseas buyers.
     Later in his youth, Ma said, to success in business an entrepreneur have to getting through rejection and failure in taking calculated risk because he learn from his failure. He use this principle  when he was participate in the first college entrance examination, he failed for 3 time. But he never give up, and for the third examination he past and graduated in 1988 with a bachelor degree in English at Hangzhou teacher’s institute (current known as Hangzhou normal university) and become lecture in Hangzhou Dianzi Uniersity. Upon graduation, ma tried to applied for job, but every job that he applied was reject like KFC manager interview, police force, and applied for Harvard for ten time but got reject ten time.
     After that, Ma got a introduce to the internet with his friend help at US. He surprise because here was no general information about China. Ma saw potential business opportunities of the Internet in venturing into business with the world. Ma and his team of friends launch China Page that lists Chinese businesses and their products. Ma began to receive emails from people around the world requesting for partnership. e and his friend create “ugly” website with  five year and get good feedback from people out there. He name their company china “yellow page” and around 3 year they use the website to earn 500 million.
     In 1999, Ma quit or resign his post and back to Hangzhou to found Alibaba, and as their friend to support for the vision of online marketable called Alibaba. The vision is to built an E-commerce that can make customer and business to do all aspect of business online. That mean sellers can post their product listing, so customer can know detail about the product before purchase. Ma started their first E-commerce business at age 31 year old and earn 5 million for his first time test.

     In conclusion, fight of jack ma to success in their live make us think that don’t think badly to someone that always face with failure in their live because success is not the just the only  point to make us success in our future.

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