Saturday, May 7, 2016


     Observant means a person have an ability to notice the opportunities plus with good in analyzing and take actions wisely. In the industry, the entrepreneurs have to compete with their competitors to keep their company maintain and sustain. They also can’t easily let go the opportunities which can bring profit in their side. The one who has this kind of trait could be someone unique compare to the others because they can look forward more further the future.
     In case of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar’s story, he kept move forward once he saw the opportunities in jobs. First and foremost, he started to help his mother planting and selling the vegetables since his family was not very afford. After that, he slowly move on with others activities such as sells roti canai, bred cattle and sells the meat. After that, he shifted to the business of transportation. In 1975, he established Shah Company by selling and distributing rice to Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (FELDA), Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Pernas edar and others. By expanding his business, he continued with selling sugar under Bukhari Sdn. Bhd. until today. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar then established Susu Mas Sdn. Bhd., joint ventures with New Zealand Milk Products in 1979. They market their products under Fernleaf and Anchor. However because of economic downturn, he desperately sells his share in  Susu Mas Sdn. Bhd.

     After that crisis, he tried to observe more chance and grab the opportunity. Once, he made up changing system his product with china’s tea when involving in Canton Trade Expo. Next, he involved himself in manufacturing industry of military uniforms. He also involved in shipping business and established Bukhari Shipping. At the same time, he got involved in a number of housing projects under Syarikat Bukhari Development. He then managed to popularize that port in the project of Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas. From that, he can convinced two international shipping company which is Maersk Sealand, Denmark and Evergreen Marine, Taiwan to move from Singapore’s port to Tanjung Pelepas’s port. Furthermore, he build the company of  water’s privatization, Equiventure Sdn. Bhd., joint venture with his own company, Kembara Dinamik and Oneo Company, Perancis. He also bought engineering company, MMC Corporation with RM3 per share from Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB). On March 1996, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar build Yayasan al-Bukhary as a welfare to help those in needs. In the midst of hardship, he will always find a way to not left behind. As a result of being an observant entrepreneur, he can gain success in his life.

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